Freedom of Azeroth

Ranger General

                                        One thing is certain, Evil does not rest. Neither does the Ranger General’s pursuit of justice. Too many innocent lives have suffered at the hands of enemy forces. Slipping through the shadows, Mythoren picks off the enemy one by one. Once again in the shroud of darkness, he quietly chuckles to himself. His brother in arms, the Tribune, will be furious with him. Mythoren knows he shouldn’t have snuck away to carry out this mission alone, but the intel was crucial for him to successfully form a plan of attack. He couldn’t risk any of his comrades. Besides, he needed to blow off some steam. Mythoren chuckles again, imagining the squat, and very temperamental dwarf giving him an earful. Let the Dwarf rant and rave, it’ll be good for him. In the ‘morrow he’ll be happily cleaving skulls. Tonight Mythoren will plan, and at sunrise he will lead Freedom of Azeroth to avenge the innocent.


Faction: Alliance
Race: Night Elf
Class: Hunter
Main Spec: Marksmanship
Secondary Spec: Beast Mastery
Professions: Skinning & Jewelcrafting
Preference: PvP